- Spectrum: Select input spectrum
- Box Size: Domain size in meters. We recommend $9\times 2 \pi/100 \approx 0.565$ for the CBC spectrum. This value also works well for the von-Karman Pao spectrum
- Grid Resolution: The number of grid points in each direction
- Number of Modes: Number of wave forms used to generate the turbulence
- Deterministic: Reproduces the same random sequence. Enable this option to reproduce the same result over multiple realizations
- Compute: Generate the turbulence!
- Reset: Reset all fields to their default values
- Postprocessing: Enable the postprocessing backend
- Viscosity: Denotes the viscosity coefficient used in the Karman spectrum (see eq. 1 below)
- urms: Denotes the RMS of the velocity fluctuation in the Karman spectrum. This corresponds to $u’$ in eq. 1
- ke: Corresponds to the wave number at which the maximum energy occurs for the Karman spectrum. This term is related to $\kappa_e$ in the Karman spectrum such that $\text{ke} = \sqrt\frac{12}{5}\kappa_\text{e}$
- Spectrum data: Upload your own spectrum data! Format is space delimited with the first column corresponding to the wave number and the second column corresponding to the energy